Entrepreneurship, Startups, Ventures & Investments

Building Social Capital. Developing Capability. Driving Innovation. Creating Impact

Learning the process of launching a startup | Taking Part in a Hackerton/ Startup Competition or Incubation Programme | Find a co-founder | Building networks | Pitching to Investors | Finding job opportunities within startup

We aim to bring together multi-disciplinary and various public, private and industry stakeholders, resources, human capital and expertise together into a single synergistic space. With pooled resources, economies of scale and value-chains to close the loop, we find innovative solutions and opportunities for the local community that otherwise will be difficult to achieve on our own. We will measure the impact of our activities and programmes, and ensure that they are (net) positive , sustainable and scalable.

With the UN SDGs, we aim to make impact quantifiable, sustainable & scalable via ESVI.

Check out the services and programmes we offer!

These are the various products and services, startups and businesses that we are considering, incubating and under acceleration.