Co-Working Spaces & Corporate Service Providers

Supporting Startups

Casual Workers, Entrepreneurs, Startups and Lean Enterprises have one thing in common. They all require low cost, high efficacy services in order for them to operate and remain profitable. To support the modern day work force, B2B service providers provide shared working spaces as well as other corporate services that provide value for money, yet often high quality services that currently lead trends and disrupting traditional business setups.

LEARN about Virtual, Shared Co-Working Spaces

LEARN about Entrepreneurship, Startup, Business and Enterprise: Virtual, Shared, Co-Working Spaces

The Evolving Work Spaces

"Coworking has taken the business world by storm in recent years with the number of communal workspaces snowballing in cities across the world. Its popularity is showing no sign of slowing: the number of coworking spaces is predicted to reach one million globally by 2018. The challenge now is to stand out from the crowd – and coworking providers are increasingly thinking of new ways to diversify their offer."

1. Co-living with coworking | 2. Coworking holidays | 3. Trophy locations and childcare | 4. Sector specific coworking | 5. On-site expertise | 6. Women-only coworking | 7. Coworking for corporates | 8. Reciprocated membership - "8 ways coworking is evolving" By the World Economic Forum