Funding, Grants and Investors


Hire Talent

Startup SG SME Talent Programme

Up to 70% subsidy of stipends paid to intern.

BGG - Internship Funding

100% funding of salaries of Singaporean/PR undergraduate interns involved in the implementation of the POCs, capped at $1,000/month per intern.

Get Investments

Startup SG Equity

$7 for every $3 raised by entrepreneur for the first $250K; $1 for every $1 raised thereafter. Up to $2M for general tech and $4M for deep tech.

Startup SG Founder

$3 for every $1 raised by entrepreneur; Up to $30K.

Expand Overseas

Enterprise Singapore Market Readiness Assistance Grant

Up to 70% subsidy of eligible costs, up to $20K per company per fiscal year.

Enterprise Singapore International Marketing Activities Programme

Up to 50% - 70% subsidy of eligible core expenses for iMAP-supported overseas events / activities.

Adopt Digital Solutions

Digital Acceleration Grant

80% co-funding to adopt digital solutions to improve productivity, increase efficiency, enhance operational resilience, manage risks better, and/or serve customers better.

Regulatory Technology Grant

Support to enhance Financial Institutions' risk management and regulatory compliance through the use of technological solutions.

Get Business Development Support

Enterprise Singapore Enterprise Development Grant – Core Capabilities / Innovation and Productivity / Market Access

Up to 70% of qualifying project costs i.e. third party consultancy fees, software and equipment, and incremental internal manpower cost.

MTI Productivity Solutions Grant

Up to 70% funding support for adopting IT solution and equipment.

Adopt AI / Data Analytics Technology

MAS Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics (DA) Grant

Up to 50% support for projects that demonstrate adoption of AI & DA techniques that achieve business objectives of strategy & decision making or insights generation with consideration of workforce impact, as well as applied research projects in AI and DA for Singapore and the Singapore financial sector.

Do Proof-of-Concepts

MAS FSTI Proof-of-Concept Scheme

Up to $400K to conduct early stage development of novel solutions to problems in financial sector.

Startup SG Tech Proof of Concept (POC) / Proof of Value (POV)

Up to $250K for POC and $500K for POV; Startup paid up capital must be at least 10% of grant value for POC and 20% for POV.

Business Growth Grant (BGG)

As part of the MAS-SFA-AMTD FinTech Solidarity Grant, FinTechs can receive up to S$40,000 for their first POC with financial institutions on APIX, and S$10,000 for each subsequent POC, subject to a total cap of S$80,000 per firm for the entire duration of the grant.

Build Cybersecurity Capabilities

MAS Cybersecurity Capability Grant

Up to 50% support for Singapore-based financial institutions that intend to set up or expand cybersecurity operations capabilities in Singapore.

Set Up Innovation Centre

MAS FSTI Innovation Centre Grant

Up to 50% salary support to set-up innovation centres of excellence or labs in Singapore to test-bed innovative ideas and roll out market solutions.

Do Institution-level Projects

MAS FSTI Institution-level Project Grant

Up to 50% support for Singapore-based financial institutions to catalyse innovative ideas and market solutions to advance the competitiveness of the financial institution and the sector.

Do Industry-wide Projects

MAS FSTI Industry-wide Technological Infrastructure or Utility Project Grant

Up to 70% support on thematic industry-wide or nation-wide utility projects, for wider adoption of technological / utility infrastructure which would improve market efficiency, boost productivity, and strengthen risk management capabilities in the financial services sector.

Be Listed

MAS Grant for Equity Market Singapore (GEMS)

  • New Technology Sector: 70% Co-funding of eligible expenses; Up to $1M.

  • High Growth Sector: 20% Co-funding of eligible expenses; Up to $500K.

  • All Sector: 20% Co-funding of eligible expenses; Up to $200K.

Tax Exemptions

Besides grants, startups can also tap on IRAS’ tax exemption schemes and other tax reliefs that can help reduce your tax bill (full exemptions for the first $100K and up to 50% exemption on the next $200K of normal chargeable income).

SFA Agriculture Productivity Fund

  • Basic Capability Upgrading (BCU) SchemeProductivity Enhancement (PE) SchemeCash Advancement

Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI)

The Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI) supports employers to expand local hiring1 from September 2020 to September 2021 (inclusive)

The JGI will provide up to 12 months of salary support for each non-mature local hire and 18 months of salary support for each mature hire, person with disability or ex-offender hired by employers that managed to increase their local workforce within the qualifying window.

The Career Support Programme (CSP)

A salary support programme offered by Workforce Singapore (WSG) and the Employment and Employability Institute (NTUC’s e2i) to encourage employers to hire eligible Singapore Citizen Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs).

General Information about Grants