Startups and Ventures Under Incubation
Startups Projects
These are the various products and services, startups and businesses that we are considering, incubating and under acceleration.
Potential Ventures For Consideration
These are potential projects that are under consideration.
If you are interested in any of these projects, please contact for more information and access.
Ventures under Incubation and Acceleration
Space Transformation Agency, Making beautiful, sustainable and SMART homes, schools and work spaces a reality.
Reach out to your customers or prospective employers with our extensive suite of Creative Design and up-to-date Marketing services.
Teach a Man to Fish
Developing people and organisations. Life-long learning for Subject Matter Mastery, Excellence and Self-Actualisation.
Plant a Forest of Ideas
Itching to do something meaningful? Find a mentor, hang out with like-minded people or engage in social projects!